Wrongful Convictions – Why Do They Happen? – pt. 2

In the previous article, we talked about the rare cases, when false confessions are given by the wrongfully convicted themselves. But a more common scenario is when witnesses or jailhouse snitches give false testimonies. Let’s see how these go. False Eyewitness Testimonies According to the Innocence Project, eyewitness misidentification is the main contributor to most false convictions. Of course, there are several reasons why and how this could happen, and […]

Wrongful Convictions – Why Do They Happen? – pt. 1

Every now and then, we hear about shocking cases of people being released from prison. Perhaps a piece of new evidence or new forensic technology proved their innocence. And in some of these cases, they falsely confessed to the crimes they did not commit. In this article, we’ll talk about this scenario. Why would someone falsely confess to a crime they didn’t commit? For average, law-abiding citizens, it seems unimaginable to […]

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